From Unexpected Runner to Hall of Famer: Jackie Blackett ’81

From Unexpected Runner to Hall of Famer: Jackie Blackett ’81

This alumnus has set running records, earned career-related accolades, and was recently honored by her alma mater

Jackie Blackett ’81

Jackie Blackett ’81

For more than four decades, 81岁的杰基·布莱克特(Jackie blackkett)是哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的教练和体育管理人员,一直是女子体育和体育管理领域的推动力量. In recognition of her achievements, 罗彻斯特大学于2023年秋季将布莱克特列入其体育名人堂.

“Throughout her life, Blackett has redefined excellence,” says Terry Gurnett, associate director of Athletics. “When she was a collegiate runner, she set records. As a Rochester cross country and track & 作为田径教练,她带领黄衣队取得了NCAA历史上最好的成绩 & field finish in 1989. Remarkably, seven of the eight women’s cross country and track & 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场名人堂的现场成员在布莱克特的领导下进行比赛.”

During her 30-year career at columbia, 布莱克特在体育部的高层管理中扮演着关键角色, steering the success of more than 5,000 student athletes. Wearing multiple hats as deputy athletics director, senior woman administrator, and deputy Title IX coordinator, 她负责监督关键项目,并确保遵守学校的政策.

Blackett’s foray into sports started unexpectedly, 在她大一的头几个星期,一个朋友邀请她去参加田径比赛. “让我非常惊讶的是,那次会议是在男更衣室举行的,”她回忆道. “That’s the first time I met Coach Hale, 谁告诉我们,如果我们真的要第二天跑去见他.”

布莱克特和她的朋友们是认真的,确实回到了黑尔教练那里. 在他和男子团队的鼓励下,他们参加了尽可能多的比赛. Over the years, the number of events increased and, then, in 1978 the women’s varsity team was officially established. “Coach Hale ended up paving the way for us,” she says. “对于我和其他人来说,他的支持确实标志着一条不可预见的道路的开始.”

Here, Blackett talks about her life and career in sports.


It was humbling. Initially, I thought others were more deserving, 但一位前队友提醒我,我代表的是一群女性,她们可能没有机会单独进入名人堂. I came to realize that this honor wasn’t just about me; it was about the early days of the sport and  the women who sacrificed to build a women’s cross country and track & field program.

What was your childhood like?

我在巴巴多斯长大,那是英国教育体系的一部分. 学生们在学术、社区服务和体育方面都获得了分数. 就在那时,我发现自己在跑步和篮球方面有些天赋. After emigrating to the US at 13, I attended an all-girls high school in Brooklyn, where I didn’t play sports—I did take up dancing though, which I still love.

Why Rochester?

I came to Rochester to be a teacher. I was on track to be one and then, immediately following my senior year, 我接到了RIT体育主管的电话,他正在为他们的女子项目寻找兼职教练. 我把这份工作当作一个机会,把我从这项运动中获得的东西回馈给学生.

Did you know you were making history at Rochester?

Absolutely not. Back in the late 1970s, making history was far from my mind. 没有女子代表队,我和我的队友们就只是单纯地跟踪 & field athlete who entered several events. It wasn’t until senior year, qualifying for nationals, that I realized the significance of what I was doing.

What might surprise people to know about you?

I never really liked running, but I really loved competing. Ask any of my former coaches, training was never my forte. I did what was necessary to do well in an event.

What are some memories of your time at Rochester?

The lifelong friends that allowed me grow. On the track, 我记得在我们每天的英里热身中,我故意让一只鞋稍微松开,所以我不得不策略性地停下来重新系上. Coach would shout, “Can’t you keep your shoes tied?此外,由于《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(General Hospital)的开播时间与《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(General Hospital)的开播时间一致,所以我总是赶时髦地迟到. 我还记得威尔逊公地的泡泡椅,顺便说一句,现在已经不存在了. 我们花了很多时间坐在这些椅子上解决世界上的问题.


In D1 collegiate sports, we’re at a turning point, grappling with questions about our identity, educational value, and the purpose of athletics. The recent spotlight on NIL—Name, Image, 和电视转播的国会听证会引起了我的注意. This NCAA rule allows students to earn from their personal brand. Despite its complexity, 有一件事对我来说变得很清楚:高中和大学体育对每一个在听证会上发言的参议员来说都很重要. 作为一个深入参与NCAA和一级联赛管理事务的人, 我知道这些对话将决定体育的未来.

What are you most proud of?

I take pride in two things. Firstly, the Hall of Fame ceremony, 在哪里,我的侄孙们看到了我的另一面,并有机会瞥见了我一生工作的价值. Secondly, when former students bring their own children back to campus, 它告诉我,他们有一个非常积极的经历,值得与他们的孩子分享.

What makes today’s generation of students and athletes stand out?

Their grit and determination to make a difference. This generation wants to be part of the decision-making process. 即使他们不知道所有的信息,如果涉及到他们,他们也希望有发言权. They want a say in the process.

What are you reading right now?

I’m currently reading Legacy by James Kerr, which delves into the story of New Zealand’s All Blacks, the world’s most successful rugby team. I work long and late office hours, so my reading time is limited, but Kerr’s book always accompanies me in my bag. For a more leisurely escape, I turn to Walter Mosley, 他是一位美国小说家,写了很多关于黑人私家侦探的犯罪小说——我喜欢他的作品.

A younger Jackie Blackett ’81 running on a track.

Jackie Blackett ’81

Major: Psychology

College highlights: 11项室内和9项室外学校记录,1981年东部室内田径赛4项全东区奖 & Field Championships

Job title: Deputy Athletics Director, Physical Education & Recreation/Senior Woman Administrator at Columbia University

Hometown: New York, NY

探索Jackie Blackett的大学跑步生涯和她在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的教练成就.

Support Women in Sports

For more than 50 years, 罗彻斯特大学为女性提供了独特的机会,让她们在竞争中脱颖而出,成为强有力的领导者和队友. Our new Women in Sports—WinS—initiative 纪念这一点,并庆祝澳门威尼斯人网上赌场有教育意义的体育项目. Please join us. With your engagement and support, 我们可以实现我们的目标,为我们的项目创造一个可持续的未来. Contact Terry Gurnett, associate director of Athletics, or Victoria Bothner来了解你如何参与进来.

—Kristine Kappel Thompson, Winter 2024